It's Time To Wave Buh-bye to Inconsistent Income and Unreliable Tactics 👎

(Inside eCourse Empire, you’ll discover our proven Everyday-Sales Ecosystem™ – so you can take back control of your revenue and time.)

+ Automate Your Way To 6-Figure Months (that stick)

"Best month EVER!
3 x last month, which was my previous best month ever 🤣. And every, single sale is through my new sales system!"


3 x my sales in one month!

📉 Launches that used to bring in 6 figures – suddenly stopped converting overnight

📉 Webinars and 5-day challenges that were once extremely profitable – fizzled out with fewer sign-ups and shrinking profits

📈 Facebook ad costs soared – leaving many campaigns barely breaking even (or worse, in the red)

“What the HELL is going on???”

Let’s be real, the last 12 months had even the savviest of course creators wondering,

Here’s what I want you to know about this first…

🙋‍♀️ If you're finding sales hard right now – you are not alone! 

Even some of the most successful business owners were forced back to the drawing board to rethink their entire sales strategy.

But while you were stuck in a cycle 🌪️ of launches becoming less and less profitable…

You probably noticed some of your peers are still shouting about their "best ever"  6 and 7-figure results and sharing jaw-dropping income reports.

And #humblebrag... many of them are my clients.


Not EVERYONE is struggling right now (in fact many of our current and past clients are actually selling better than ever)

And the reason they aren’t struggling like everyone else is simply because those “big launches” and crazy results are just the tip of the iceberg.

So, I’m going to let you in on the big secret 🤫

👉 Yep, underneath the surface they have an entire (automated) system that feeds those launches – supporting them and making them profitable.

Lucky for you, I know exactly  how they’re powering their big results – and I’m about to share those secrets with you…

Hi, I'm Kate!

I'm a 3 x digital entrepreneur, and I've been growing businesses online since 2007. I’ve seen the fads come and go (hello, MySpace, Clubhouse, Periscope...) and trust me, it’s been a wild and geeky ride!

And I know what really works behind the scenes of the most successful online businesses…

But first, why should you listen to me?

And, more importantly, I’ve taken what works and helped hundreds of my students implement these strategies so they can scale their businesses without working more.

Because I’ve used these exact strategies to keep my own 7-figure busines thriving over the last 12 months – while others were having their worst years. 


"Since working with Kate I have added thousands to my list, and last month I made $12K totally on autopilot.. having sales come in on Autopilot still blows my mind!"


$12K a month...on Autopilot

So what does it take to make reliable AND growing sales in this climate – without working 60-hour weeks?

After well over 10 years teaching course creators to automate and scale their businesses, here’s what I know DOESN'T work anymore 👇

Relying solely on launching will burn you out long before you get to consistent, reliable revenue.

Creating a funnel for just ONE offer will trap you in an endless cycle of testing, tweaking, and refining – never scaling enough to make it truly profitable



Especially when what you really want is a self-sustaining sales system that grows even when you’re not there.

But what's the alternative to placing all your eggs in one risky-marketing-method basket? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Instead of pouring all your energy into one strategy – that either burns you out or only gets you part-way to the income you want…

What if you had a system of multiple strategies working together – keeping your revenue steady during tough times and helping you scale like crazy when things are good?

Not just launching and not just a funnel – but the best of both!

Now you can with....

Our proven, rinse-and-repeat 3-part formula that sells ALL your offers on autopilot every day, week, and month – bringing in consistent revenue 365 days a year.

The Everyday-Sales Ecosystem™


(For years and years to come!)

The first step is installing our 3-part social sales funnel (aka the Insta-ATM) to turn your daily content into daily sales – all in less than 10 minutes per day.


#1 - Simple Social Sales System

Here’s how it works:

Create quick, highly engaging content using our Profitable Posts Framework, designed to feed people into your Insta-ATM funnel so you can start making money fast


Get started fast with customizable, one-click install templates that allow you to set up the entire system in just a few hours


10x your profits with our Ultimate Upsell Track by adding upsells, downsells, and any other sells you can think of


Simplify and fast-track your way to $50K months by plugging in an Easy Yes Offer Suite… that’s automated, enjoyable AND hella profitable

 Your Easy Yes Offer Suite

Step One


Finally free yourself from the launch by plugging in our “automated-as-much-as-profitable” signature sales system

A Profitable M3 Funnel

Step Two



Here’s what most course creators are missing; Scaling past the low (aka unprofitable) 6 figure mark with the wrong offer (or even multiple wrong offers) is kind of like trying to eat soup with a fork (yeah, you can do it but it's going to take a really long time and there are better tools for the job, right?)

Instead, we’ll show you how to design, build, launch, AND automate a profitable offer suite that is a joy to deliver and feeds into your marketing ecosystem and finally makes your business profitable. 

Simplify and fast-track your way to $50K months by plugging in an Easy Yes Offer Suite… that’s automated, enjoyable AND hella profitable

Your Easy Yes Offer Suite

Step One



While some unicorns stumble on the magic formula and have hugely profitable, multi-six-figure launches from day one, most never do. 

Instead, they get stuck in this spiraling launch loop, adding more team members, more ads, and more of their precious energy so they can achieve the elusive profitable launch. But all that happens is more and more of their profits get swallowed up by the launch and they become slaves to this monster.

So instead, I came up with a sustainable selling method, a perfect blend of automated and live (too automated and it doesn't sell, too live and you want to commit murder-suicide).

Once implemented this new system will allow you the breathing room to work on other things that grow your business WITHOUT going cold turkey on launches – and suddenly running out of money.

Finally free yourself from the launch by plugging in our “automated-as-much-as-profitable” signature sales system

A Profitable M3 Funnel

Step Two



Add fuel to the fire of your marketing ecosystem with ads that pay for themselves

Switch To ROI Marketing 

Step Three


 We focus on profit a LOT in this program. And once the core sales elements are built and running its time to play by adding in a few different profit upgrades, to further increase your sales and cash in the bank, too! 

Level-Up With 

Step Four



Everyone knows you need ads to scale past a certain threshold in your business but as you try and scale ads get more expensive, and if you don’t have a big budget to push you through you’ll hit a revenue ceiling and stay stuck. 

Most people then start obsessing over adding an extra 1 or 2% here to their conversions, endlessly tweaking sales pages and email headings, but it doesn’t FIX the problem. 
That’s because it's not a conversion problem, it’s a CASH problem. 

So instead of just spending more on ads we turn this on its head and make the ads pay for themselves so then you can spend however much you want, and grow as fast as you want. 

Add fuel to the fire of your marketing ecosystem with ads that pay for themselves

Switch To ROI Marketing

Step Three



There is one thing people never expect to happen when they start to grow.

They actually run out of money. 

Yep, its happens all the time. 

As you grow, so do your expenses, and as an added gift any paid ads you are doing usually get more expensive the more you spend as well. 

So, how do you make sure you don't just end up working harder to take home less?

With profit-focused optimization (aka Profitimizations), that's how!

 We focus on profit a LOT in this program. And once the core sales elements are built and running its time to play by adding in a few different profit upgrades, to further increase your sales and cash in the bank, too! 

Level Up With "Profitimizations"

Step Four



Next, we’ll turn your email list into a selling machine with a powerful, automated email funnel – designed to bring in weekly course sales – whether you show up to work or not.


#2 - Rock-Solid Email Engine

Here’s how it works:

Install a high-converting email sales funnel driving leads to your main offer so you can start making those sweet weekly sales 


Tailor the funnel perfectly to your offer – whether it's high-ticket, low-ticket, a signature course, or a membership – using our roadmaps and fully customizable templates


Maximize the sales potential of every new subscriber by nurturing them with emails that warm them up and get them super excited to work with you


$2000 in 7 days just from ebooks still just spending $15 a day on the one ad and using the 7-Day email templates! 


"$2K A Week With A Low-Ticket Offer"

"I love Kate's systems and advice. We went from £3K to £30,000 a month using this program!"


'From £3K to £30K months!'

Tired of stressful launches? Then this phase is for you. You’ll swap out exhausting launches for smaller, easier, and almost completely automated campaigns that take just a few hours to implement – and actually feel fun.


#3 - Low-Stress Evergreen Launch Plan

Here’s how it works:

Choose the right rinse-and-repeat launch campaigns for your offers and business – so you can start bringing in revenue every month without the stress


Install quickly with our day-by-day campaign calendars, templates, and swipe files for every piece of campaign content you need 


Run smaller, stress-free promotions that only take hours to implement – but still deliver amazing results, freeing up your time and energy


What got you to 6-figures, won't get you to 7 (you know that right?), so you need to swap out your scrappy 6-figure scaling strategies for a more Intentional and elevated approach.

 Intentional Scaling 

Step Five


We've already talked about how the constant launch life is keeping you stuck (because you spend all your time and money launching). So what do you do instead?

Add Evergreen Launches

Step Six


The secret not enough people know, when it comes to scaling from $10k months and well beyond. 

Is that it's less about randomly creating and testing new tactics and hoping something pays off (that's 6-figure thinking right there).

It's not about finding the one thing and creating a big jump here.

Rather about stepping into the CEO seat, knowing your numbers, being able to tell what works and what didn't. 

And being able to deliberately use that information to make the right plan, to reliably get you the results you want.  

What got you to 6-figures, won't get you to 7 (you know that right?), so you need to swap out your scrappy 6-figure scaling strategies for a more Intentional and elevated approach.

Step Five



 Intentional Scaling 

Well, you swap out some (or all) of those big stressful, overwhelming (and underperforming) quarterly launches, for something a lot more sane. 

Enter, Evergreen Launches. 

These are smaller, repeatable, partially automated and more consistent promotions that allow you to still make offers to your list (and maximise your sales), but without it being the ONLY thing you and your business have time to do. 

And we have 6 different launch plans we share inside Empire that you can mix-and-match to suit your business and goals with ease.

We've already talked about how the constant launch life is keeping you stuck (because you spend all your time and money launching). So what do you do instead?

Add Evergreen Launches

Step Six


Add fuel to the fire of your marketing ecosystem with ads that pay for themselves

Switch To ROI Marketing 

Step Three


 We focus on profit a LOT in this program. And once the core sales elements are built and running its time to play by adding in a few different profit upgrades, to further increase your sales and cash in the bank, too! 

Level-Up With 

Step Four



Everyone knows you need ads to scale past a certain threshold in your business but as you try and scale ads get more expensive, and if you don’t have a big budget to push you through you’ll hit a revenue ceiling and stay stuck. 

Most people then start obsessing over adding an extra 1 or 2% here to their conversions, endlessly tweaking sales pages and email headings, but it doesn’t FIX the problem. 
That’s because it's not a conversion problem, it’s a CASH problem. 

So instead of just spending more on ads we turn this on its head and make the ads pay for themselves so then you can spend however much you want, and grow as fast as you want. 

Add fuel to the fire of your marketing ecosystem with ads that pay for themselves

Switch To ROI Marketing

Step Three



There is one thing people never expect to happen when they start to grow.

They actually run out of money. 

Yep, its happens all the time. 

As you grow, so do your expenses, and as an added gift any paid ads you are doing usually get more expensive the more you spend as well. 

So, how do you make sure you don't just end up working harder to take home less?

With profit-focused optimization (aka Profitimizations), that's how!

 We focus on profit a LOT in this program. And once the core sales elements are built and running its time to play by adding in a few different profit upgrades, to further increase your sales and cash in the bank, too! 

Level Up With "Profitimizations"

Step Four



Now that you have your Everyday-Sales Ecosystem™ set up and the money’s flowing in – it's time to move into your scaling era so you can make more sales, more often and (most importantly)... more profitably.


#4 - Sustainable Scaling Framework

Here’s how it works:

Scale your traffic with our customizable Traffic Trifecta Plan, designed to bring more clients into your ecosystem in a way that works for you – and your budget


Scale your reach with our low-budget Paid Ads Funnel which grows your audience on autopilot


Scale your conversions and profits with our step-by-step optimisation plans and strategies (so you make even more sales and profit, from the customers you already have) 


" I just wanted to thank you for all I learned inside your programs!  We are doing $50-$70k per month (cash received) with less than $5k ad spend per month and I totally credit the foundation I learned inside ECE! 🥂 

When I came to you, I had only made $50k TOTAL ever 😆"


"$70k per month (cash received)"

Ok, but before we get ahead ourselves, let’s address the elephant 🐘 in the room…

Why this works – even if you’ve tried funnels before

At this stage, you might be thinking, “Hang on Kate – I’ve already tried a funnel and they absolutely suck never worked for me before”. 

Oh, you’re not the first person to feel this way, believe me! 

And I get it – there’s a lot of misinformation out there about funnels. So, maybe you already set one up and it didn’t deliver – but here’s why the Everyday-Sales Ecosystem™ is different:

We already know that one funnel doesn’t cut it anymore.

So maybe you had inflated expectations of what one funnel could do for your business or maybe you just hit a ceiling where your ad costs were stealing all your funnel’s profit.

Either way, it’s an outdated strategy that should be put to bed.

But the Everyday-Sales Ecosystem™ works, because it’s not just funnels or only launching – it’s the best of both.

It combines proven funnels with simple, mostly-automated evergreen launches, so you’re not relying on just one risky marketing method to grow your business. You have an ecosystem that consistently brings in sales from multiple sources – every day, week, and month.

So if you’ve tried a funnel before and failed, trust me, the Everyday-Sales Ecosystem™ is different and you’re going to love what happens when you install it.


🎓 GRADUATED IN 2022, AND IN 2024...

"Kate, I just wanted to thank you for all I learned inside Empire. 
We are now doing $50-70K per month (cash received) with less than $5K ad spend per month, and I totally credit the foundation I learned inside ECE!  When I came to you, I had only made $50K TOTAL ever 🥂"





Summer joined with no list and a low-ticket offer, it took just 5-months to hit her goal of $10k (reliable!) months from her new funnel, and then...

"Just closed the doors and I am blown away. 86 students for $34,365! My list size was 2900 and they are almost all from my funnel. I just followed the email templates and it all worked really smoothly. "




When Diana installed her first funnel, $10k months were her goal. Within a few months her funnel was bringing in $4K months with no ads spend.  And then earlier this year she sent us this...

"We did 7-figures in the last 12-months from our promotions and funnels!" 




“That was my first 6-figure year, and now that same funnel has brought in multi 6-figures every year since (and we are so close to hitting 7-figures). My whole business is now automated. Kate was my secret weapon!"




"I went from £3K to £30K months in just over 18-months thanks to eCourse Empire, and my funnel is still going strong three years later -  maintaining monthly sales through my funnel of £30K - £40K months ever since. "




"In the space of only 4 weeks my business went from struggling to sell a program a week, to selling up to 20 a week ... easily and totally on Autopilot. And 5-years later it's still working better than ever!" 




"When I first joined this program in March 2022, i thought "How the hell is this even possible?" Thanks to this program and the teams help it IS possible.  My latest launches have sold out in under 48 hours and feel so relaxed!" 

Who even YEARS later are all making more sales then ever, more reliably, all thanks to their Everyday Sales Ecosystem

Hells Yes! In fact it's working better than ever, just ask our grads!


But does it still work 

After you’ve installed the 

Now, let’s take a step back and look at your business…

Everday-Sales Ecosystem™?

You're making sales every day 

With content you can make and schedule quickly (and in advance), nothing beats knowing your social platforms are actually doing their job – bringing in revenue without requiring you to spend all your time on them.


"WOW. I launched (my Insta-ATM) last Friday, 14-purchased so far... AAND 3 of these have already purchased my main program as well! Now time to scale it!" 


"14-sales so far!"

You no longer have to stress about paying yourself or your bills

Because you’re no longer reliant on just one incredibly risky marketing strategy – you have a layered ecosystem. And now that the ten-tonne weight has been lifted you can show up totally differently for your business, client, friends, and family. 


"I've only implemented 2% of Kate's genius and guidance and already feel like this is the year to hit $500k!"


"The year to hit $500K!"

Now the only time you run a live launch is when you WANT to. 

And when you DO launch it’s way less stressful because it’s almost completely automated and maybe even a litte fun – which also has the added benefit of making it way more profitable because you have the energy to show up like you never have before.


We just did a webinar for our new premium program and the last person just converted, making it a $98,634 launch!! And best bit, we now have a proven offer ready for our funnel! Soooooo good!


"We just did a $98,634 launch"

You're now the "go-to" in your niche

You're noticing more and more invitations to speak, to be on podcasts, and to collaborate ...because your automated and profitable marketing system is allowing you to show up consistently and reach a much bigger audience every month.


”Kate I can't thank you enough! Since working with you my sales have tripled! ”


'More than tripled my income"

"Thank you Kate, I do f*cking love funnels. And the one I created in your program loves me right back!"


From "funnels don't work for me" to $40K a month from one funnel!

Now you can finally up-level your business 

You can finally start planning ahead, step into the role of CEO, and hire that team you’ve been wanting to – and FEEL SAFE doing so knowing you can afford it because you know how much you will earn as a minimum every month.


" I feel so much more confident as a CEO, my business has grown exponentially (I made $35K in my first ever launch of my brand new course!) and I can not thank HelloFunnels enough.


"My first launch I made $35K"

And, most importantly, you'll finally have turned your "little online course" into a real, reliable, and growing EMPIRE 


No spare time? We totally get it. I’m not trying to sell you another quick fix, so yes, you’ll need to build some things, but we’ve structured it so you can fit it around the launch life (if you’re currently still in the weeds) and you can start making sales on autopilot within the first few weeks.

And the best part?

👉 Plus, we’ve included dozens of one-click install funnels, automations, and copy templates to fast-track your setup.

Our entire ecosystem has the busy-person stamp of approval.


... create the life they used to only dream about, by building their own highly profitable, mostly-automated course business using our exclusive Everyday-Sales Ecosystem™.

So, if you have a course, community or mastermind that helps people with anything from losing weight, kicking ass on social media, crocheting better, riding horses, finding love, being more confident, speaking on stage, getting pregnant... or anything in between... 

We've helped Hundreds Of Course Creators just like you...

And you’re ready to sell in a more reliable and consistent way…

A hands-on digital mastermind for course creators ready to start making reliable scalable revenue with the proven Everyday-Sales Ecosystem™ – this is your start-to-finish solution to evergreen the hell out of your offers so you can scale a passive, drama-free legacy (no matter what’s happening in the headlines).

eCourse  Empire™

Then you're invited to join us today inside

Oh, where do we even start?

What makes eCourse Empire so different?

Most programs are only selling you ONE “above the surface” strategy (ie. the tip of the iceberg) – we give you the whole, cohesive designed-to-work-together sales and marketing system.

Basically, it's not like anything you've ever tried before... and it just freaking works!

Not just launches and not just funnels – because right now, relying on only one way of making sales requires a level of optimization that only unicorns or marketing geeks can get right. Our system is a never-before-seen hybrid that helps you break through the plateaus – without having to A/B test your sales page 1000 times.

Everything is customisable – we know you and your business are unique, so every step of our system is designed to be customised. We even have individual ecosystem roadmaps for each type of offer (low-ticket, high-ticket, signature courses, and memberships).

Works with your existing tech  we are not here trying to sell our own tech platform. We are here to help you make this system work with the tech systems you already have (as much as possible).

No spammy sales tactics here – we believe marketing and selling should feel GOOD for you and your clients, and we don’t believe in faking it!

👯‍♀️ Off Facebook Community to get your questions answered with most answered by our team within 24 hours from Mon - Fri. 

Imagine how much faster you can take action, and how much quicker you'll get results when you no longer need to figure everything out on your own!

🤓 Mastermind Round Table Sessions with your fellow Empire family members to get fresh a perspective on a topic, learn from each other mistakes and triumphs, and create lifelong connections and partnerships.

+ Our "gives a shit" style, expert support

worth over $1000 a month on its own!


💝 monthly check-ins, personal progress dashboard, accountability, prizes, challenges and lots, lots more...

☎️ OUR GOLD MEMBERS UNLOCK Expert Hot-Seat Calls (2-3 times a week)  to get help with copy, tech, ads, launching, marketing strategy, and more. These are intimate, small numbers only, and hot-seat style.

”We sold 15 spots into our BRAND NEW program in the FIRST 20 MINUTES of cart open, and by end of the first day that number had more than doubled to 36 sales... in the first DAY!  Kate made the whole process so simple - and it went off without a hitch!"


"15 sales in the first 20-minutes!"

This is my third day running ads to my new funnel, and I've consistently made 3 sales a day off just a $30 ad spend. Time to up the budget I think! 


"3 sales a day of just $30 spend"

"Kate is a masterful woman who knows her stuff, she teaches easy to implement strategies that drive true profits. From Kate's suggestions, we've driven tens of thousands of dollars of profits using simple, easy to implement tweaks, all thanks to Kate!"


'Thousands In Profits!'

”Kate, we've just hit $60K this month from a combination of launching and evergreen. Your strategies are killing it for us - evergreen in particular!"


"Just hit $60K for the month"

So, what’s the catch?

You’ve already started building an audience and email list (there are at least a couple hundred people other than your mum and your cat getting your emails) 

You’re already making sales from your business – whether from coaching or courses (ie. you are not starting from scratch). 

You’re ready to break through to the next level or business and you're ready to do the work to make it happen!

The catch is, this isn't for everyone…

(because I know you know there’s always a catch!)

But, If you’re nodding your head to most of these…
…then it’s a yes from us!





eCourse Empire

It's time to invest in the last marketing strategy you'll ever need : and build your own rock-solid reliable sales machine inside: 

apply now

The eCourse Empire program is currently available by application only, click here to submit your details and request you invite now.

ready, apply for your invitation now

join the waitlist

Get all the info about eCourse Empire, including: how it works, the investment, and more plus be first in line to join us when the doors open soon!

Just pop your details above now + we'll send you all the details.

14-Day 'Love It or Leave It' Guarantee!

We know our program is amazing, we know it gets great results (it's our goal to make sure you've covered your investment in the first 2-4 weeks, sometimes much faster), but we also know it can be scary as hell making these investments with your precious time and resources. So we want to take all the stress away. 
Which is why we offer a 14-Day 'Love it Or Leave It' Guarantee, all we ask is that you jump in, show up and follow the program for the first 14-days (this includes participating in at least one of our 3 x weekly hot seat calls), and then if you feel we have not and can not help you make more sales on autopilot of your online programs, you just let us know within 72 hours of completing your first 2 weeks, and we'll refund you in full. 

**Please note this guarantee applies to split payment options only, so if you are at all unsure we recommend you sign up with a split payment option first. 



60-Day 'Love It or Leave It' Guarantee!

We know our program is amazing, we know it gets great results (it's our goal to make sure you've covered your investment in the first 60-90 days, usually much faster), but we also know it can be scary as hell making these investments with your precious time and resources. So we want to take all the stress away. 
Which is why we offer a 60-Day 'Love it Or Leave It' Guarantee, all we ask is that you jump in, show up and take action for the first 60-Days, and then if you feel we have not and can not help you make more sales on autopilot of your online programs, you just let us know within 7-days of completing your first 2 months, and all remaining payments will be cancelled (not refunded, cancelled, please see our refund policy here), and we can part as friends. 



60-Day 'Pays For Itself' Guarantee!

We know our program is amazing, we know it gets great results, but we also know it can be scary as hell making these investments with your precious time and resources. So we want to take all the stress away. 

Which is why we offer a 60-Day 'Pays for itself of your money back" Guarantee. Which means if you jump in today, and follow our plan for the next 60-days (this includes showing up, doing the work and asking for help when you need it) and this program does not AT LEAST pay for itself in that time, just let us know and we will refund you in full and we can part as friends. 





The bulk of the eCourse Empire program is designed to be completed in roughly 90ish-days, and currently includes a tonne of additional  support and access on top. 

However, if you need a bit more time, or just want to stay on and keep getting access to our amazing expert support and community, you can continue on with the same low monthly access fee. 

Q: How much time do I need? I’m already maxed out.?

Oh, I get it – I’ve been where you are. That’s exactly why the Everyday-Sales Ecosystem™ is designed to fit AROUND your launches. We definitely don’t want your income to dry up, so the first phase can be set up in just a few hours, and you could start making money within 14 days.
Plus, the entire program has our "busy-person" stamp of approval. The trainings are quick, we provide templates for everything, and you’ll get step-by-step guidance to make the whole process as smooth as possible.

Q: What if I don't even have a program or course to sell yet?


We currently have templates and/or walkthroughs set up for Active Campaign, Kajabi, Showit, ClickFunnels, HighLevel and Convertkit. 

However our funnel system works on ANY automation program, and if you are already using a program you love then you can simply take our funnel maps, checklists and scripts and recreate our eCourse Empire systems in the tech of your choice. 

Q: What if I already tried a funnel and it didn’t work for me?

Well, first off, I’m not surprised. And second, you’re definitely not alone.
The truth is, funnels don’t work as a standalone strategy anymore, and it really pisses me off when people pretend otherwise because they’re not telling the whole story.

So if you’ve tried a funnel and it flopped, welcome to the club – you’ll be in great company with our other members, who now have a reliable, profitable, and consistent way to make money from their courses.

Q: WHAT IF I already have a funnel?

That’s great! But one lonely funnel is rarely enough to quit your day job. We’ll help you refine and optimize your existing funnel so it works better than ever, and then we’ll build on it – adding the missing pieces to ensure your business keeps growing every day.

Q: When do WE start?

As soon as you’re accepted and your payment is received, you’ll get immediate access to the EMPIRE HQ, our community, and all the resources in the hub.

Basically, it’s ready whenever you are – and trust me, no matter your situation, there’s never a better time than right now!


Honestly, a ton! Our students are always blown away – not just by the level of support but by how quickly they get their questions answered. 

This program was created by someone who loves helping people solve problems and genuinely cares about your success (that’s me!). So, yes, I probably over-deliver on support, especially for a group program – which is why our students see such amazing results!

And if you're a GOLD member, you’ll get even more hands-on attention with 2-3 weekly group hot seat calls (held at different days and times). For the latest schedule, feel free to email us at help@hellofunnels.co.


It really all depends on you, but our current record holder for getting a funnel set up (totally from scratch, start to finish) is 2 weeks. Most people take 4-8 weeks if they follow the plan we include inside. 


We believe your funnel should fund itself, so we don’t recommend spending on Facebook ads until your funnel is already making sales from free traffic.

As for technology, that’s up to you, but we have options starting as low as $39–$97 a month for everything you need. Plus, we’ve secured extended free trials for many tools, so you can get started and see sales coming in with minimal upfront costs!

Sleepless nights stressing about sales is NOT why you created your course, right? 

So let's fix that shall we?



CLIENT RESULTS + EARNINGS DISCLAIMER : When you read the case studies and results of our awesome clients that we share on this site, please know that these are our real clients, but specific results shared are NOT typical. These are all amazing, talented and hardworking people, who showed up and did the work, who were prepared to do some things that challenged them, or took them outside of their comfort zone. Who made our work together a priority. Who definitely failed a few times first, but got back up again and kept going. Some results were fast, some took months. But they are all real and based on results and outcomes shared with us by the clients. We have not independently verified the results they’ve shared. 

There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. There is no guarantee that you will make any income at all and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that the Company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products, and services reviewed or advertised on this Website.


meet Heidi

She set up her first funnel in March 2019... and sent us this in Sept 2024! 🥰


meet Vesna

She set up her ecosystem in 2018... and has since scaled hundreds of sales every month


meet Nicola

She went from her launches going backwards, to selling out her offers in just 48 hours using and Evergreen launch